Here you will find things that pertain to your "Church" Life

Altar Guild

Preparing the sacramental elements for Holy Communion is an essential support ministry for the congregation. Training is provided. If you are interested please contact the church office or Sue Pontin directly.
Lay Reader

The lay reader reads the first two lessons of the day from the lectern at the front of the sanctuary. If you desire to serve in this way, please contact Dale Vorwerk at or contact the church office.
Media Technician

Media technicians run the sound system and the projection software during Sunday morning, Wednesday evening and holiday worship services. A limited knowledge of computers is helpful for this important ministry. Training is provided. If this interests you, please contact Brian Richards at, Emily Craw at, or the church office.

Ushers distribute bulletins and help people find seats. They ensure the smooth running of the worship services. If you are interested in ushering, please contact Jim Putnam at or contact the church office.
Additional Ministries

Below is a list of other ministries offered at Faith Lutheran. Those who would like to get involved can also fill out a “ministry opportunities” sheet HERE as well.
- Handyman
- Landscaping and Gardening
- Snow Removal
- Set Up/Tear Down of Tables and Chairs
- Tellers
- Attendance Data Entry for the Office
- Photographer
- Marketing and Advertising
- Church Historian
- Graphic Design
- Church Decorating
- Plumbing
- Electrician
- Carpentry
- Pictorial Directory Help
If you are interested in becoming involved in one or more of these areas or would like more information, please contact the church office at or call (810) 694-9351.