Here you will find all of the things that pertain to your “HOME” life – Spouse and Family

Little Ones
Here at Faith, we believe that worship is a vital part of our Christian faith. Because of this, we have several options available to meet your needs as families with small children.

Quiet Room
Faith has a unique option for families who want to worship together but have little ones who may need their own space. The quiet room, located at the back of the sanctuary, is open and available for all families during all worship services. This room offers families the opportunity to still hear, see and engage in the service while finding some quiet space for their little ones.

Worship Bags & Children’s Bulletins
We offer worship bags and bulletins specially made for children. These include activity books, crayons, and bulletins that follow the theme of the service to help little ones engage in the worship experience.
Children Ministries
Kindergarten - Grade 3
Our children ministries exist to assist parents in imparting the truth of God’s Word to the next generation. We strongly believe in a home-centered, church-supported, model of ministry where the Bible is discussed in the home and becomes memorable and fun. We long to see our young people fall in love with the God of the Bible and want to equip our parents to be the awesome truth givers to their children.

Sunday Education Hour
At Faith, we are dedicated to teaching the whole family the Word of God and helping them grow in their relationship with Jesus! Bible events come alive in faith-building experiences each Sunday at 9:30 am. Each class is held in the school classroom section of the building, we’d love to have everyone join us in the study of God’s Word.
Our Sunday School programs focus on biblical literacy, helping kids learn about God’s plan of salvation as it unfolds in the Old Testament, in the life and ministry of Jesus, and the growth of the early church as recorded in the Gospel and Acts. Students cover the entire Bible in three years.
Youth Hangouts
Faith offers activities for kids of all age groups. Some activities take place in a big group while some are done in smaller age-specific groups. Contact Joel Zander, Director of Education and Youth, for more information.

Faith Legacy Classes
Faith routinely offers Faith Legacy classes for kids and parents of all ages. Please check our Faith Walk and Faith Happenings for more information.

Youth Group
Grade 4 - Grade 12
Our youth ministry exists to assist parents in imparting the truth of God’s Word to the next generation. We strongly believe in a home-centered, church-supported model of ministry where the Bible is discussed in the home and becomes memorable and fun. We long to see our young people fall in love with the God of the Bible, and want to equip our parents to be the awesome truth givers to their children. Find out more about our Youth Group HERE.

Confirmation is not just an academic process or a requirement for membership in God's Kingdom. It's about forming Christ followers. Confirmation at Faith Lutheran Church is a carefully designed program - one that is intended to bring youth to a closer understanding of God's Word, their Savior Jesus Christ and the Church as a whole.
Click HERE to find out more about confirmation at Faith Lutheran Church

At Faith we offer Bible study classes for all ages including adult Bible studies on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. For more information click HERE.