Our music ministry is here lead the congregation in song during worship to our God, to offer worthy expression of our faith and to assist in the proclamation of the Word through music. All choirs, vocal and instrumental, sing or play regularly on Sunday mornings and at special services.

Vocal Choirs

If you have a passion for praising the Lord through singing, Faith offers several opportunities. Choirs sing regularly at Sunday morning worship services and during special services. Solo and small ensemble singing is also available.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is a mixed voice choir. The Chancel Choir typically sings 4-part music. Rehearsals run from September – May. They usually sing one Sunday per month and an occasional special service. Reading music is helpful but not necessary. A love for praising our Saviour in song is the only requirement.
Did you know? Chancel is a term that refers to an area new the front of the church that is reserved for the choirs. The pews near the organ may be referred to as the “chancel”.
Male Chorus
The Male Chorus is a group open to any male singers, 6th grade to adult. This is a great opportunity for young men who are interested in praising Jesus through song to be guided by our more experienced male singers. No musical experience is required for youth to adult singers. The Male Chorus meets on Thursday nights between September and May, They typically sing once per month and at an occasional special service.
Women's Choir
The Women’s Choir is a group of women from 6th grade to adult praising Jesus in song. They sing a wide variety of music in unison, 2-part and 3-part. No musical experience is necessary, just a love of praising Jesus. The Women’s Choir meets on Thursday nights. Reading music is helpful but not necessary. They typically sing once per month and at an occasional special service.

We offer hand bells for both experienced and non experienced ringers. Come unlock a gift you may not know you had.

Various instruments are always welcome at Faith. There is the opportunity to accompany congregational hymns, play with various choirs, or be part of ensemble to enrich our worship. If playing an instrument is your joy, please contact Emily Craw at ecraw@faithgb.org to get involved.