There is an old blessing from the time of Jesus: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.” In Jesus’ time rabbis would often teach their disciples wile walking on the dusty roads. The idea of the blessing was that you would follow your rabbi so closely that you would be covered in the dust he kicked up while walking. The goal of following a rabbi was not simply to learn from his wisdom, but to think as he thought, to love what he loved, to value what he valued and to do what he did. We at Faith Lutheran Church take this blessing seriously because we believe it is vital that all Christ’s followers be continually formed in His image: to think like He thinks, to love as He loves, to value what he values, and to do what He did. In that way, we can be sure we are “Faithfully living every relationship in God’s Way….to unite everyone with Jesus for eternity.”

Confirmation is not just an academic process or a requirement for membership in God’s Kingdom. It’s about forming Christ-followers. Confirmation at Faith Lutheran Church is a carefully designated program – one that is intended to bring youth to a closer understanding of God’s Word, their Savior Jesus Christ, and the Church as a whole. Click HERE to find more information.
Sunday Morning Opportunities

At Faith, we are dedicated to teaching the whole family the Word of God and helping them grow in their relationship with Jesus! Bible stories come alive in our Sunday School classrooms, as children ages 3 through High School participate in faith building experiences each Sunday at 9:30 am. Sunday School is held in the school classroom section of the building. We’d love to have you and your children join us! We also provide breakfast or coffee and donuts every week.
Tiny Tots

Tiny Tots is a one-day a week volunteer ministry for 3–5-year-olds. Classes meet on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. beginning in September and runs through April. The children enjoy a story, craft, snack, and song-time. As a teacher or assistant, the Bible stories and crafts are planned and provided. We would love to expand the program by adding you and/ or your child! If you are interested in enrolling your child or volunteering next year, enrollment forms are available HERE in the main office or online. Please contact Cindy Hans 810-423-3087 with any questions.
Wednesday Night Alive

Wednesday Night Alive is when our Faith family comes to life, and are fed 3 ways:
- Meal time 5:30 – 6:00 (fed with a meal)
- Bible Study 6:00 – 7:00 pm (Fed by the Word of God)
- Worship 7:00 – 8:00 pm (Fed by the Lord’s Supper)
What's FAITH?

This is a course that teaches the basic doctrines of the Christian Church from a Lutheran perspective, as well as giving insights as to what our congregation is about and how you can be a part of it. Contact Pastor Scott at for more information.