Covering the Next Generation is a 3 year capital campaign (October 2022 kickoff) with the goal of renewing and improving our building and facilities to provide the next generation with a place to unite with Jesus . . . for eternity.
Underneath our introductory video are several tabs with information about Covering the Next Generation.
What will our Covering the Next Generation Capital Campaign accomplish?
Faith’s mission statement says we’re seeking to unite everyone with Jesus for eternity. Most of our activity toward this end takes place on the church grounds.
To have facilities to “cover the next generation,” we’ll need well-carpeted floors, a well-covered parking lot, a well-covered roof, and a well-lit sanctuary. By renewing these aging areas, we’re providing an enduring place where the Gospel will be proclaimed, the Sacraments will be received and relationships will grow.
We’ll also ensure future growth by bringing and welcoming newcomers into Jesus’ love. A great place to do that will be in a new well-covered picnic pavilion on the back lawn. Working with many community connections, we’ll be known as the place that welcomes everyone into our sheltering care for bodies and souls.
Our investment now will be Covering the Next Generation with a place to unite with Jesus…for eternity.
Psalm 48:12-14, “Walk about Zion, … consider well her ramparts, that you may tell the next generation that this is God, our God forever and ever.
You may view our full informational brochure HERE.
What is Covering the Next Generation?
This title has been given to the efforts we will be making via Capital Campaign to raise money for some of the “big ticket” items that we have at Faith that need to be either repaired or replaced. The title was inspired by the impact that this fundraising effort will have on the future generations that will make Faith their church home to hear and learn about God’s Word.
How will this help serve our members and community?
This Campaign seeks to preserve and renew our facilities for the current and future generation, as well as offering new options to facilitate community outreach.
What is the financial goal of Covering the Next Generation?
Faith is seeking to raise a total of $1,377,200 from Covering the Next Generation.
How will the total campaign funds be used?
According to the approval at the January 2022 Voters Meeting, funds will be used for construction of a pavilion near the ballfields, replacement of carpet in the church, replacing the roof over everything except the preschool, asphalt replacement for the main parking lot and drives, replace the sanctuary lighting dimmer system, and paying off our existing mortgage.
What if we don’t raise enough money?
We believe that we will meet this goal; however, the Board of Directors will determine the priority of spending the Campaign funds received if the goal is not reached.
If I prefer, may I restrict my gift to certain areas of Covering the Next Generation?
Unfortunately not. The Board of Directors will determine how the gifts will be disbursed based on need and timing.
Are multi-year pledges accepted?
Yes, multi-year pledges up to 3 years are encouraged. Pledging over a period of time allows for a larger gift to be made, thus having a greater impact on Covering the Next Generation results and ultimately on ministry at Faith.
How will the Campaign affect my regular offerings?
It is critical that we all continue our regular tithes and offerings to fund our normal ongoing ministry. Funds for the Covering the Next Generation Campaign need to be beyond our normal giving to ensure that we can sustain our daily ministry and achieve the goals of the Campaign.
When will the total commitments be announced?
Total Commitments were announced at the Celebration Banquet held after the late service on Sunday, October 30, 2022. Periodic updates will be provided monthly in Faith Happenings.
When will I start paying my gift payments?
On Commitment Sunday, October 30, 2022, we celebrated the receipts of all gifts and commitments. You may start your commitment at any time. Your pledge can be met however you choose to participate, lump sum or smaller, regular gifts over time. You may either pay online or by using the Covering the Next Generation envelopes that you receive. Envelopes were provided at the Celebration Banquet, were placed in your mailbox in Heins Hall, and are also placed in the pews.
Will someone be willing to sit down with me and talk about Covering the Next Generation?
Yes, we will happy to visit with you at your convenience. Please contact the Church Office at 810-694-9351 for someone in the committee to contact you.
I have already made a decision about my gift level. Where should I send my donation?
You may use the online application by selecting the “CNG” option or use the Covering the Next Generation offering envelopes which will be provided to you or found in the pews. You may place your gift in the offering boxes which are located in the Sanctuary. You may also mail your gift to Faith Lutheran Church, 12534 Holly Rd, Grand Blanc, MI 48439.
Are there alternative methods to make my gift?
Yes, you may initiate a transfer of marketable securities to FLC’s investment account. Please contact both your investment advisor and Faith Lutheran Church to coordinate the transfer. If you are 70.5 years of age or older, you may wish to make a tax-exempt distribution (“Qualified Charitable Donation”) from an IRA directly to Faith Lutheran Church. Please consult both your tax advisor and Faith Lutheran Church to coordinate the distribution.
Additionally, one may also provide for a gift in the form of a bequest from your trust or will. Please consult with your attorney for making such a provision.
Commitment cards for Covering the Next Generation can be found near the tracking puzzle on the baptismal font and are included in brochures in campaign displays. The campaign is still actively seeking contributions, and we encourage those who may not have made a commitment to prayerfully consider making one.
Options for giving include:
- Weekly/monthly/quarterly/annual/one-time check
- Electronic funds transfer (“online giving“)
- Qualified charitable distribution from your IRA
- Donations of stocks or mutual funds
Click here to donate online.
Additional Questions About Giving:
If I use autopay through my bank, how do I donate to Covering the Next Generation?
You will need to arrange a separate payment that specifically designates “Covering the Next Generation” in the memo line or otherwise.
If I am using online giving, how do I donate to Covering the Next Generation?
You will need to arrange a separate payment by choosing “CNG – Campaign” in the “Funds” dropdown menu.
Can I write one check and designate a portion of the amount to Covering the Next Generation?
Members that are writing personal checks should use separate envelopes and checks for the different funds – general fund, “Covering the Next Generation,” building fund, etc.
Overall rule of thumb: Checks that do not designate a particular fund go to the general fund. To ensure all donations reach their intended funds, always donate separately.
THANK YOU to all who presented commitment cards commitment Wednesday/Sunday. Additional commitment cards, available throughout the church, may be turned in at any time.
CAMPAIGN TRACKING is available through 3 different means:
- A “Covering the Next Generation” page is now featured in each week’s Faith Happenings e-newsletter. Similar to the “Stewardship” page, this new page will track commitments pledged and funds received for the Covering the Next Generation Capital Campaign.
- An additional weekly pre-service slide with the typical fundraising tracking “thermometer” has been added starting November 6, 2022.
- A tracking puzzle is displayed on the baptismal font as well. There we will “piece together” and symbolically cover Faith Lutheran Church with Covering the Next Generation Capital Campaign funds raised. Every puzzle piece represents $2500 received. When the puzzle is complete, our goal has been reached!
CAMPAIGN ENVELOPES, if requested, have been distributed to Heins Hall mailboxes. They are also in church pews.
If you have additional questions about the Campaign, refer to a Campaign brochure (available on banners near each main entrance, or on the display table near the office), or contact the church office.
THANK YOU, once again, for your prayers and generous commitment to Covering the Next Generation. You may revisit our Heart Talks videos on our YouTube page at the following links:
- Week One (October 9, 2022)
- Week Two (October 16, 2022)
- Week Three (October 23, 2022)
- Week Four (October 30, 2022)
We look forward to seeing Covering the Next Generation come to fruition!